Project details
Gwynt y Môr was built with an installed capacity of 576 megawatts in Liverpool Bay, around 15 kilometres off the North Wales coast. It is capable of generating enough carbon-free energy for around 400,000 homes.
Macegreen Consulting were Technical Advisers and Client Project Managers for the design and construction of the Operation and Maintenance Facility at the Port of Môr which supports not only Gwynt y Môr, but also North Hoyle and Rhyl Flatts offshore windfarms, also in Liverpool Bay.
Construction of the Gwynt Y Môr facility was completed in 2015 and is now fully operational.
Innogy Renewables
Project cost
12 months
"O&M Facility to support Gwynt y Môr offshore windfarm – one of the largest offshore windfarms in the world"
Dave Horton, Property & Capital Investment Manager
RWE npower