Project details
Macegreen have a dedicated team of Building Surveyors and Project Managers providing professional services to Mersten who are dedicated providers of Assisted Living Accommodation.
Working on a nationwide basis, Macegreen work closely with Mersten to engage both Registered Providers and Care Providers to assess the need for varying levels of Assisted Living ranging from behavioural support to fully supported accommodation.
Mersten pride themselves on providing adaptable, integrated accommodation enabling their residents to live normal lives within their local communities.
Typical projects include:
• Bewsey – Conversion of 30 Bed Care Home into specialist Assisted Living Accommodation;
• Melton Grange – The conversion and refurbishment of a grade 2 listed building to provide a bespoke care facility;
• Oswin Road – Provision of 17 new-build apartments to provide Assisted Living Accommodation.
Construction value
Various Projects £5,000 - £10m
Framework period